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European Customs We’ve Been Accustomed To ¸ National Pallets

European Customs We’ve Been Accustomed To ¸ National Pallets

We in Britain are coming to a major crossroads vote that could have a massive impact on our trade, economic development, and the overall role we will continue to play in the world. With the EU referendum approaching, British businesses face growing uncertainty. A vote to leave the EU would likely reshape trade and regulation, but exactly how a Brexit vote would affect small and medium enterprises remains unknown. With Obama’s visit this week what is clear is that the world is watching.

Many of our customers here at National Pallets have expressed concerns over the possible implications for European pallet deliveries, so how do some of the current non-EU nations participate in European trade?

Norway says no way

With independent governance, Norway is free to make essential decisions on trade, agriculture, environmental practices, and home affairs. Norway still makes many contributions to the EU without excepting all the regulations put forth by Brussels. By making a positive impact on the European economy, they are a member of the European Free Trade Association, and maintain extensive interaction with the EU single market.

Canada keeping things chipper, and cheaper

Canada has made sure to minimise trade barriers and tariffs, and even though they won’t be making direct contributions to the EEA, their easy trade policies have helped secure mutually beneficial markets.

Swiss neutrality is nothing new

Switzerland is autonomous very much in the way Norway is, only when it comes to playing a role in the European market, the Swiss negotiate their treaties sector by sector.

Turkey is tariff free

Turkey has previously been denied EU membership but it is a member of the EU Customs Union, or EUCU. This means that Turkey benefits from a single market on certain exports which are tariff free. Unfortunately, certain non-EU-approved exports are still charged at global market rates, those include financial services and agriculture.

As of right now, it’s impossible to tell how a Brexit vote would affect your future international pallet deliveries, but what we do know is that it would take years of negotiation to find out.
